Why is a VPN important for Linux users?

Why is a VPN important for Linux users

While many privacy issues are beyond user control, a number of solutions are also evolving to counteract this. Using a VPN for Linux is one such option.

Why a VPN is a necessity for Linux users

A VPN can provide more private connections between different parties exchanging data over the Internet. While this solution does not provide 100% anonymity, but it does keep data safe. If you are not using a VPN yet, it may be the right time to download a VPN for Linux.

Let us explore how can it help.

Sharing sensitive information between remote workers

One of the first uses of a VPN was to facilitate private communication between employees working in the same company. However, the economy has changed the traditional dynamic on this issue.

Increasingly, professionals are doing short-term projects for different companies. This remote work arrangement potentially exposes companies to additional security risks.

Using a VPN is a great way for independent contractors to offer additional security measures.

Hiding your location

In the old days, the desire to be “off the grid” was stereotyped as hermit behavior. Today, there are many legitimate reasons why a person would want to hide their location.

For starters, burglars often look at social media to identify vulnerable homes. Since many sites track and broadcast your location, it can be difficult to maintain data privacy.

Surely, you wouldn’t want to accidentally tell questionable people that you are out of the country. Virtual private networks can also allow you to view content or use services available only in another country.

Prevent collection of login information

Many users want to read sites, but not as many want to be read. It’s true that collecting user information can greatly improve the experience on some sites. For example, collecting the default page size can potentially save the user from repeated manual adjustments.

People who are not good with passwords would probably appreciate a page that remembers their last login. However, many people don’t realize that social media sites track their online habits to better target ads.

Even more disturbing is the idea that disinformation campaigns on political issues should target user information.

Avoiding restrictions and tracking

We depend on our ISP to connect us to the outside world. However, there are two specific problems that force many Linux users to use a VPN.

Many Internet service providers practice deliberately slowing down Internet speed of certain clients. This can particularly affect gamers and people working in areas that require large data packet transfers. Over the past few years, many companies have learned that the value of offering targeted advertising can trump almost all other sources of revenue.

Protecting public Wi-Fi

One of the disadvantages of working remotely is social isolation. As a result, many professionals get to work in public coffee shops or other locations. While public Wi-Fi should never be considered secure, the added protection of VPN encryption services is useful.


Perhaps the most important reasons to use a VPN for Linux are the unforeseen future and its consequences. Twenty years ago there is no way we could have anticipated that there would now be a huge amount of data leakage. Ten years ago most people underestimated the value of daily data browsing through ISPs.

Linux users often value simplicity and control over their software. For these same reasons, many of its users refuse to trust their privacy to those with other interests. VPNs provide these users with additional security to protect their information.

Why is a VPN important for Linux users?