How to research the SERPs in other countries?

How to research the SERPs in other countries?

What Are SERPs? SERP is an acronym for Search Engine Results Page and it is something in which internet marketers are intensely interested, fascinated by, and in some cases consumed by. There are some e-commerce marketers that spend most of their day scanning the SERPs, looking for their own site’s web pages and making note of their position in the SERPs. Who can blame them, in several studies, it has been shown that the top three results get over 70% of the clicks. Imagine the increase in revenue if you could move your sales page from #5 up to #1.

Why Are Country Specific Searches Important?

Imagine that you are selling chopsticks, you would want to target countries where the vast majority of people actually use them, which would be some of the Asian countries like Japan and China. So, if you just search in google for ‘chopsticks’ you might be ranking #2 and wondering why you are not getting much traffic. Then you check the SERPs in Japan and you can not even find your website. Now you know the reason.

On the other hand, let’s say you are selling boots, but you are not ranking in google at all, but your stats program tells you that much of your traffic is from the UK. So, you check the SERPs in google/uk and see that your site is ranking #1. So a marketer can learn a lot this way.

So, How To Check Specific Countries Of The World?

GOOGLE: Click Settings at the top of the page, then click Search Settings, then just scroll down to Region Settings. There you will see a list of countries. Select the country that you want to search and click Save.

BING: At the top right of the search page, you will see the menu icon which is three horizontal lines; click that. Then click Settings, then click Country/Region. Then just select the country where you want to search. Be sure to scroll way down that page a click Save.

YAHOO: With yahoo, you need to be signed in, then you need to do a search first, Then you will see the three horizontal lines for the menu; click that. At the bottom of the next menu, click Settings. If you don’t see the country settings there, go to this page:

How to research the SERPs in other countries?