Privacy Guides

6 threats to online privacy and security in Wi-Fi networks

Today’s information environment is difficult to imagine without the use of Wi-Fi technology. In this regard, the relevance of the problem of transmitting protected information via this channel is only increasing. Like any communication channel, Wi-Fi access contains a number of vulnerabilities. Let’s take a look at the most common threats in Wi-Fi networks: Man-in-the-Middle […]

Safe remote work behind a virtual private network

After the coronavirus sent offices home, businesses experienced the benefits of working remotely from home and learned about the key privacy rules. Under quarantine conditions, the issue of cybersecurity has become a priority. Not so long ago, for example, the data of 500 thousand users of the Zoom remote conferencing service leaked to the network. […]

Twitter Privacy And Security

As with all social media platforms, whatever you post on Twitter could become publicly shared all over the internet. You may think that only your Followers will see your post, but if even one of your Followers re-tweets what you posted, the content of your post could actually go viral. We hear of this quite […]

TikTok Privacy And Security

TikTok is the extremely popular social media program for mobile users that allows the users to create and store short videos. TikTok is owned by the Beijing-based company ByteDance and is expected to have over one billion active monthly users by the end of 2021. The TikTok program has received much negative attention for possible […]

How To Use Smartphones Safely And Privately

For most smart phone owners, their phone is a handy little device that serves them exclusively and is totally harmless in any way, shape, or form. They can message their friends, voice chat with family, pay bills, transfer money, etc. etc. They really have no idea how vulnerable their smart phone is, especially if it […]

Facebook Privacy and Security

There is an old saying: “Be careful what you put in writing.” This is especially important regarding Facebook with it’s 800 curious, talkative, gossiping members. Almost everyday and certainly every week, someone is caught red-handed putting something in writing on their time line or even in a “private” message that they later wish they hadn’t. […]

Can Your Employer See Your Personal Emails

The answer to this question will surprise most readers. The rule to remember is that any thing typed on your work computer belongs to the company. Some email systems save every email send and even drafts so deleting before you send does no good. While you are on your company’s equipment nothing is actually “personal”, […]

How To Be Anonymous Online and Why You Should Bother

Being anonymous online is not just for the bad guys that are sneaking around looking to cause trouble. It’s for everyone because Big Brother is watching each one of us. Yes, your government is tracking every move you make online. Here’s a real life example: shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing, a woman in New […]