Author : Privacy Advisor

SurfShark VPN Black Friday Deal

Surfshark is a cybersecurity company that develops privacy and security tools. Tools that are accessible to all – from an everyday person to a cybersecurity geek. SurfShark Black Friday & Cyber Monday timeline: Cyber Monday changes to Winter deal on December 4 (IF the deal stays during the Winter deal. It will be determined during […]

Digital Footprints to Privacy Risks

Digital Footprints Unveiled: Analyzing Privacy Risks In today’s digital age, our lives are intricately intertwined with technology. From social media to online shopping, we leave behind a trail of digital footprints that can reveal more about us than we realize. But what are the privacy risks associated with these footprints, and how can we protect ourselves? With every click, like, and comment, we are adding to our digital footprint – a unique trail of data that showcases our online activities. Companies and advertisers eagerly capitalize on this information, using it to target us with personalized ads and content. While this may seem harmless, it raises concerns about our privacy and autonomy. One of the major risks associated with digital footprints is the potential for data breaches and identity theft. Personal information, such as our names, addresses, and even credit card details, can be exposed if a website or platform is hacked. Cybercriminals can exploit this data for financial gain, leaving us vulnerable and at risk. Moreover, our digital footprints can have far-reaching consequences on our personal and professional lives. Employers often rely on social media platforms to screen job candidates, making hiring decisions based on our online presence. A reckless post or an ill-advised tweet can haunt us for years,