About us

We are diverse group of people united by one common goal:

to help with digital privacy, so you could browse and work on internet safely.

In the age of high technology, most of the processes occur on the internet, which makes information available to everyone 24/7. Today, the issue of online privacy becomes urgent. And the saddest thing is that many people do not even know about such a concept. Or don’t take it seriously.


Our philosophy is that everyone who uses internet should understand the risks and the value of online privacy.

Users on the internet must know how to browse safely. And at the same time, we would like everyone to take precautions.

Internet is such a great place for development, communication, work… However, it can also be used as a platform for fraud, theft, destruction and control.

That is why online privacy is our passion. To turn WWW into an environment in which ordinary people can have online freedom.


What you will find on PrivacyAdvisor.net:

  • online security news and information you might need
  • best software, tools and applications for online privacy (for example VPN reviews)

All that stuff that we have personally checked, tested, handpicked and reviewed. We try to write information in a way that anyone could understand.

Contact us

We tirelessly improve and update our site and add fresh content. If you want us to write an article on a topic that concerns you, we would be happy to receive a request from you. You can do this via email.

You can message us with requests, comments, feedback, etc.. We really hope that you will find a lot of new and useful information on PrivacyAdvisor.net that you can use to protect your online privacy wherever in the world you are.

Email us - info(eta)privacyadvisor(dot)net